Thursday, November 13, 2014

The business of Information Security week 5

Most security personnel do not get the respect they deserve from business professionals. The "what have you done for me now" attitude that business professionals have toward IT. Most business professionals consider security a necessary evil cause they know the cost of not having security is greater than paying for it. To most business executives security is a black box that stuff goes in and solutions come out, what happens inside the box they don't care.

Most executives see security as a budgetary expenditure that is a mystery, that must be tied into business and strategic plans. As security personnel we must understand that most business people are not technical they see the world through dollars and bottom lines. When you make a case for security operations and enhancing the function of preexisting security operations. We must leave out technical terms and speak in dollars showing only benefits that justify the money.

  • Credit card fraud 
  • prevent theft and client information 
  • detect and respond to breaches and theft to minimize the damage to the organization
Most security personnel talk about beating the same drum and no one listens. Well sometimes you have to beat the drum to a different tune so they can understand.

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