Most individuals have a smart phone and use it for banking, shopping, credit card, insurance, Internet and email. It has become a pocket size lap top and would carry your lap top around without protection? Your smart phone is no different and having a contingency plan in place to help secure and avoid security incidents. Below are list of things that you can do to help plan and prevent security incidents with your smart phone
Lock your phone with a security pin. When you set your pin or personal password you should choose one that is not common to others. Individuals usually set on password for all devises afraid of forgetting a password. By doing this you are setting yourself up for disaster and not just a security incident.
Enable do not track on your phone settings. In your phone browser settings you will see a button for "Do not track" turn this on. It will avoid outside third parties from tracking email, contacts and web browsing.
Use a Phone finding App and keep it secure.
If you follow these steps and still find yourself in a security incident. Having contingency plan in place will better serve you than not. I suggest keeping a extra prepaid cell phone around to use to call your cell phone or cell phone provider. Keep you phone secure and data backed up on a computer important contact and emails. One thing I might or might not do is put your contact in the phone as phone owner and maybe the good samaritan will return it.